Monday, 3 March 2014

Getting to know each other - Who is who? Now its getting serious. iReBa rocks!

This day the group of Cambodian and German students gets together for the first time. In fact the group of BUW is not "German". There are students from Turkey, India and Ecuador part of the team as well. And there are not only civil engineers and environmental engineers. The group of 20 students hosts students of nuclear engineering, agriculture and urban planning as well.

Now iReBa really gets serious and the group has to proof how to integrate all the different experiences, cultural backgrounds, social and language skills in one big international team. What a nice challenge with a big potential of mutual learning!

While the Cambodian students use the time to study intensively about the new concept of resources management based on material flows, the student group of BUW has time to explore Battambang and suck up the first impressions of Cambodia.

Click on one of the pictures to enlarge:

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