The results of the iReBa workshop are presented by the iReBa student group to a big audience of representatives of UBB, the municipality, cooperation partners and students.
The results of the project are remarkable and an important start for the future cooperation. The work of the students will eventually be handed over to the UBB and the municipality of Battambang, which will be announced in this blog.
After the presentation, Mr Jürgen Stäudel introduced the vision for development of Battambang in the year 2030 iBB, which describes Battambang as a green and environmental city with high quality of living, which manages it resources diligently. On the panel the representatives of the Municipality of Battmbang, UBB and GIZ were asked to discuss the result of the iReBa project and the vision iBB for Battambang.
All panelists agreed on this vision for Battambang. During the panel discussion it became clear, that a lot of work has already been done to improve the situation in Battambang. However there is still a lot more to be done: institutional capacity building, education, legal framework and in particular the fight against corruption are the most crucial issues, that have been named during the discussion by the panelists.
The discussion was very viable and could have certainly be continued for hours. Unfortunately time limited the discussion and there is much more to be explored, developed, said and discussed in future projects...
Please click on one of the pictures below to see the iReBa team: