Friday, 19 December 2014

iSaS project has published the documentation

iSaS - integrated Sanitation System

- an interdisciplinary student project of designers and environmental engineers at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Documentation of iSaS project
In context of a cooperation project between the master program Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Product Culture of the Bauhaus-Universitätniversity, four students worked together on the implementation of innovative and sustainable sanitation in the western society. The main challenge was to make the sustainable sanitation system acceptable for this new group of users. Through knowledge exchange, a shared research study and building user-scenarios together, three concept proposals for public sanitation facilities were created by the designers.

The facilities are especially thought for campsites. This scenario contributes extra to a successful introduction as people on holidays are normally more open for experiencing ‘new things’, thereby the user will use the facility more than once and can accustom to it. Also campsites are often located outside urban areas in nature. Therefor the new material cycle can even be closed in the direct surrounding. This is not only beneficiary for the acceptance of the new system, but also for the campsite itself.

In the facility the user will be confronted with the rising problems around the way we use our resources but is directly introduced to a viable solution. The three concepts all approach the information sharing unique ways and thereby serve different settings. Because of the interdisciplinary work in the team, it was able to integrate the facility in its respective surroundings. The Engineers were responsible for the material management and the designers dealt with the user- experience. The close cooperation was very important as the fields overlapped on many points. The students have profited a lot from the cooperation, what can clearly be seen in the result of their remarkable work.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

iPiT® ариун цэврийн байгууламж нь Монголын гэр хороололд тохирсонхамгийн үр ашигтай шийдэл

Дархан хотын 7-р багт нэвтрүүлэх iPit® ариун цэврийн байгууламжийн үр ашгийг тооцоолохдоо муж улсуудын усны ажлын хэсгээс (LAWA-Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser) боловсруулсан зардлын динамик тооцоололд суурилан 40 хүртэл жил ажиллах нийт өртгийг бодож гаргажээ. Техникээс ангид бусад олон төрлийн шийдлийг үүнд хамруулан судалснаас гадна 7 дугаар багийн ахуйн хог хаягдлын төвлөрүүлэлт болон тээвэрлэлтийн асуудлыг энэхүү ариун цэврийн байгууламжийн өртгийн тооцооны загварын нэгэн хэсэг болгон авч үзсэн байна. Хамгийн бодит үнэлгээг хийхийн тулд уг эдийн засгийн үр ашгийн судалгаанд хөрөнгө оруулалтын болон төлөвлөлтийн нийт өртөг, хог төвлөрүүлэлт, тээвэрлэлтийн зардал, ажиллах хүчний өртөг, зохион байгуулалтын болон мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэх, сургалт зохион байгуулах зардал, нэмэлт хөрөнгө оруулалт, инфляци, үнийн өсөлт болон засвар үйлчилгээний зардал зэргийг харгалзан үзжээ. Нийт ашиглалтын хугацааны хувьд болон тооцоонд оролцуулсан техникийн шийдлүүдийн дундаас эдийн засгийн хувьд хамгийн ашигтай нь iPit® систем болохыг судалгааны үр дүн харуулж байна.
Уг судалгааны дараагийн шатанд 7-р багийн нутаг нутаг дэвсгэрт барих бохир татан зайлуулах төвлөрсөн инженерийн шугам сүлжээний урьдчилсан төсөл зураг гаргав. Хийх ажлын дэлгэрэнгүй жагсаалтыг тухайн зураг төсөл дээр үндэслэн гаргаж тендерийн хүрээнд орон нутгийн хэд хэдэн барилгын компаниар үнийн санал гаргуулсан байна. Инженерийн цогц шугам сүлжээ барихад шаардлагатай бодит үнийг тооцоолон гаргахын тулд энэхүү тендер нь ажил гүйцэтгүүлэх захиалга болон хэрэгжихгүй гэдгийг оролцсон компаниудад сануулсан ба ингэснээр үнийн хэт хөөргөлтөөс зайлсхийж чадсан юм.

Зураг: Дархан хотын 7-р багийн инженерийн үугам сүлжээний зураг

Үнийн саналуудыг шалгаж үзэхэд инженерийн шугам сүлжээний зөвхөн хоолой татахад шаардлагатай хөрөнгө оруулалтын хэмжээ нь iPit® ариун цэврийн байгууламжийн нийт хөрөнгө оруулалтын хэмжээнээс даруй 10 дахин өндөр гарсан.
Мөн iPit® ариун цэврийн байгууламжийг 7 дугаар багт 40 жил ашиглах нийт зардал нь төвлөрсөн цэвэрлэх байгууламж барих зөвхөн хөрөнгө оруулалтын зардлаас бага байх тооцоо гарчээ.

Зураг: Монголын өвлийн нөхцөлд iPit® ариун цэврийн байгууламжийн бохир цуглуулах савнуудыг сольж байгаа байдал

Иймд iPit® ариун цэврийн байгууламж нь эдийн засгийн хувьд Монголын гэр хороололд хамгийн тохиромжтой систем юм.

(Жич: Төвлөрсөн цэвэрлэх байгууламж нь усаар зайлдаг суултуур шаардах ба суултуурын үнийг тооцоонд оруулаагүй болно. Үүний зэрэгцээ суултуурын байнгын саадгүй ажиллагааг хангахын тулд өвлийн улиралд байнгын халаалттай байх шаардлагатай тусдаа өрөө шаардагдана. Гэр хорооллын ихэнхи оршин суугчдад энэ бүх шийдлийг хангах санхүүгийн боломж байдаггүй.)

Friday, 20 June 2014

BREAKING: Long awaited: DWA-A 272 paper published: All about the implementation of NASS

After a long working process and sound revision of many Germany experts the DWA Working Paper DWA-A 272 "Grundsätze für die Planung und Implementierung Neuartiger Sanitärsysteme (NASS) (Juni 2014)" (English title: "Basic rules for planning and implementation of New Alternative Sanitation Systems (NASS)") has been published.

Please refer to:

Thursday, 19 June 2014

iPiT's latest news now on twitter !


iPiT news is now on twitter.

Find whats going on under

Let us know what you think about and what you believe we should share with the twitter community

Thursday, 8 May 2014

575 Million people on this planet could benefit from the iPiT®sanitation system

Almost one third of the world´s population (2.6 billion people) is lacking access to adequate sanitation. A huge number of projects and concepts for ecological sanitation systems try to mitigate the impact of the worldwide sanitary crisis.

Unfortunately most of these projects only reach a very small number of people due to limited funding periods, missing legal framework and among others also unavailable adapted technology. So far investors show no interest in investing into the development of technologies and concepts for sanitation system, as they do not realize a significant market potential.

Therefore it is natural to ask the question, how many people could actually be reached and could benefit from the iPiT® sanitation system, as it has been developed by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ?!

In a recently finished study this number has been estimated with a surprising result: Based on the number of people without access to sanitation, the research group estimated the part of this population, which lives in circumstances suitable for the implementation of the iPiT® sanitation system. Certain minimal criteria, such as the economical-societal level of the people, education, legal framework, political stability, spatial urban structures and more have been considered in the study. Those criteria were seen as limiting factors and needed to be fulfilled before potentially allow for the implementation of  an iPiT system, e.g. countries in civil war, too low economic level or other limiting frame conditions were excluded from the estimation.

Yet still, an estimated 575 million people (25% of all 2.6 B without access to sanitation) could be reached by an integrated, resource-based sanitation system such as the iPiT sanitation system.

Is there anybody out there seeing a potential to invest here and help to mitigate the sanitary crisis?

Wohin das Wasser fließt - SWR2 Radiosendung über SANO-Projekt des in Südafrika ist online

Im März 2013 reisten Wissenschaftler des im Rahmen des Deutsch-Südafrikanischen Jahres der Wissenschaft nach Südafrika. Begleitet wurde das Team auf seiner Reise von der Hörfunk-Journalistin Nora Bauer. Über die Kooperation mit der North-West-University Potchefsstroom ist eine interessante Hörsendung entstanden, welche in eindrücklicher Weise die Arbeit der deutsch-südafrikanischen Forschergruppe dokumentiert.

Das Radiofeature "Wohin das Wasser fliesst" ist online auf SWR2 nach zu hören.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The iPiT® sanitation system is by far the most economic solution for Ger settlements in Mongolia

In order to examine the economic efficiency of the iPiT® sanitation system in Bag7 (Darkhan), a dynamic cost comparison has been undertaken using an international standardized method. Different sanitation concepts and depreciation times up to 40 years have been evaluated, whereby the collection and transport of domestic solid waste has been included additionally in all the sanitation concepts.

All investment costs, costs for planning, collection, transport, salery of staff, administration, capacity development, re-investments, inflation, maintenance etc. have been considered in order to achieve the most possible realistic results in the calculation. The results showed clearly, that the iPiT® sanitation system is most cost-effective among all the considered sanitation concepts and all depreciation periods.

In a further step, a preliminary planning for a conventional sewage system for Bag7 has been done. With the help of this planning a quantity survey has been done and a detailed bill of quantity has been generated and handed over to several construction companies in Mongolia in a tender process. The Mongolian companies were informed, that the tender process will not lead to an assignment in order to avoid price dumping. This was important in order to being able to calculate realistic construction costs.

Preliminary sewage network bag7, Darkhan

The evaluation of the tender documents showed, that the investment costs alone for a conventional sewage system for Bag7 are at least 10 times higher, than the investment costs for the iPiT sanitation system, which has been developed in the MoMo2 research project!

With the help of the dynamic cost comparison model it became apparent, that the overall costs for the iPiT sanitation system for bag 7 including its complete operation over 40 years are lower (!), than the investment costs of a conventional sewage system alone !!! 

iPiT in action - exchange of container and transport in harsh Mongolian winter

Therefore the iPiT® sanitation system is also from an economic stand point the most useful solution for Ger settlements in Mongolia !

(Further remark: The conventional system requires a private water-flush toilet, which was not included in the cost estimate. A separated, permanently heated room for the WC to function in the winter time is required. This is not affordable for many of the residents in the Ger settlements.)

Das iPiT® - Sanitärsystem ist wirtschaftlichste Lösung fürGersiedlungen in der Mongolei

Um die Wirtschaftlichkeit des iPiT-Sanitärsystems für Bag7 (Darkhan) zu untersuchen wurde eine Kostenvergleichsrechnung nach LAWA über Abschreibungszeiträume bis zu 40 Jahren durchgeführt. Hierbei wurden verschiedene leitungsungebundene Systeme untersucht. Die Sammlung und Abfuhr von häuslichen Abfällen in Bag7 wurde dabei als Teil der betrachteten Sanitärsysteme zusätzlich in das Berechnungsmodell einbezogen. Es wurden dabei Investitionskosten, Kosten für Planung, Sammlung, Transport, Löhne, Verwaltung, Schulungen, weitergehende Capacity Building Maßnahmen, Re-Investitionen, Preissteigerungsraten, Instandhaltung und mehr berücksichtigt, um eine möglichst realistische Berechnung zu ermöglichen. Das Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung zeigte, dass das iPiT-System unter allen betrachteten Varianten und Abschreibungszeiträumen die kostengünstigste Variante ist.

In einem weiteren Schritt wurde eine Entwurfsplanung für ein Abwassersystem in Bag7 erstellt. Mit Hilfe der Entwurfsplanung konnte ein Leistungsverzeichnis generiert werden, welches anschließend in einem Ausschreibungsprozess an mehrere Baufirmen in der Mongolei übergeben wurde. Die Firmen waren dabei darüber informiert, dass der Ausschreibungsprozess nicht in eine Beauftragung münden würde. Preisdumping in der Ausschreibung wurde dadurch vermieden. Dies war notwendig um realistische Baukosten für ein komplettes Abwassersystem zu kalkulieren.

Die Prüfung der Angebote ergab, dass allein die Investitionskosten für ein Kanalsystem in Bag7 um mindestens den Faktor 10 die Investitionskosten für das in MoMo2 entwickelte iPiT-System übersteigen würden.

Mit Hilfe des Berechnungsmodells der Kostenvergleichsrechnung konnte somit ermittelt werden, dass die Gesamtkosten für das iPiT-Sanitärsystem in Bag 7 inklusive dessen Betrieb über 40 Jahre geringer ausfallen als die reinen Investitionskosten für ein Kanalsystem in Bag7 !

Das iPiT-Sanitärsystem ist somit auch aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht für die Gersiedlungen in  der Mongolei mit Abstand die sinnvollste Lösung.

(Weiterer Hinweis: Ein konventionelles Abwassersystem setzt ein WC voraus, welches in der Kostenschätzung nicht enthalten ist. Hierfür ist ein abgetrennter Raum benötigt, der im Winter permanent beheizt werden muss, damit das WC funktionsfähig bleibt. Viele Bewohner der Gersiedlungen können sich die notwendige Installation gar nicht leisten.)

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

iPiT® sanitation system нь Дэлхий дээр 575 сая хүн ашиг тусаа өгөхболомжтой

Дэлхийн нийт хүн амын гуравны нэг нь буюу 2.6 тэрбум хүн шаардлагад нийцсэн ариун цэврийн байгууламжаар хангагдаагүй гэсэн тоо баримт бий. Энэхүү тоог багасгахын тулд маш олон тооны төсөл, концепциуд хэрэгжигдэж байна.

Харамсалтай нь санхүүгийн хязгаарлагдмал байдал, хүүль эрхзүйн тогтворгүй байдал болон тухайн орчиндоо зохицоогүй технологийн  шийдлээс болон нь энэхүү төслүүд нь маш цөөхөн хүнд л хүрч байна. Хөрөнгө оруулагчдийн зүгээс зах зээлийн бодит бололцоог олж харахгүй байгаа тул энэ салбарт хөрөнгө оруулах нь багасах төлөвтэй байна.

Иймд Bauhaus-Universität Weimar-н хөгжүүлсэн  iPiT® sanitation system нь хэдэн хүнд хүрч ур ашгаа үзүүлэх боломжтой вэ гэсэн асуулт тавигдах нь мэдээжийн хэрэг.

Бидний саяхан хийсэн судалгаагаар олон хүнийг гайхшруулмаар үр дүн гарсан. Шаардлагад нийцсэн ариун цэврийн байгууламжаар хангагдаагүй хүмүүсийн тоон дээр үндэслэн манай судалгааний баг iPiT® sanitation system-ийг суурилуулан ашиглах боломжтой нөхцөл байдалд амьдардаг хүмүүсийн тоог тооцоолон гаргасан. Хамгийн энгийн шалгуур нь иргэдийн нийгэм эдийн засгийн болон боловсролын түвшин, хүүль эрхзүйн болон улс төрийн тогтвортой байдал, газарзүйн болон хот төлөлвлөлтийн онцлог гэх мэт шалгуурууд байсан ба үүнээс улбаалан нарийн шалгууруудыг судалгаандаа оруулсан. Энэхүү шалгууруудыг хязгаарлах хүчин зүйлс гэж үзээд эдгээрийг зөвхөн биелүүлсэн тохиолдолд тухайн улсад  iPiT® sanitation system-ийг суурилуулах боломжтой гэж тооцсон. Жишээлбэл эдийн засгийн үзүүлэлт хэт доогуур болон иргэний дайн өрнөж буй улс орнуудыг уг судалгаанд оруулаагүй болно.

Гэсэн хэдий ч тоцоогоор 575 сая хүнд (шаардлагад нийцсэн ариун цэврийн байгууламжаар хангагдаагүй 2.6 тэрбум хүний 25%-д) дахин боловсруулалт болон ашиглалтад суурилсан iPiT® sanitation system-ийг хүргэх боломжтой гэж гарсан.

Ариун цэврийн нөхцөл байдалд тулгараад байгаа хямралыг бууруулахад тус болох нөгөөтэйгүүр ашиг олох боломжийг мэдэрч хөрөнгө оруулах инвеёторуудийг бид хайж байна.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Mischen impossible: Hamburgs neues Abwassersystem

Folgen Sie dem Link zu dem TV-Beitrag der ARD: "Mischen impossible: Hamburgs neues Abwassersystem"

Die Forschergruppe des Bauhaus-Institut für zukunftsweisende Infrastruktursysteme ( ist maßgeblich an der Entwicklung des neuen Abwassersystems im Baugebiet "Jenfelder Au" und mancher im Bericht dargestellter Technologien beteiligt.

Hier noch der Link zur kompletten, sehr sehenswerten Sendung "W wie Wissen" vom 06.04.2014. Lohnt sich!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Kollegen !

Press release about cooperation BUW and UBB online

The press release about the cooperation between Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and University of Battambang is online (only available in German language).

Please click on the following link:

Press release online

Friday, 14 March 2014

iReBa - Final presentation and panel discussion

Friday, 14.03.2014, Battambang, Cambodia

The results of the iReBa workshop are presented by the iReBa student group to a big audience of representatives of UBB, the municipality, cooperation partners and students.

The results of the project are remarkable and an important start for the future cooperation. The work of the students will eventually be handed over to the UBB and the municipality of Battambang, which will be announced in this blog.

After the presentation, Mr Jürgen Stäudel introduced the vision for development of Battambang in the year 2030 iBB, which describes Battambang as a green and environmental city with high quality of living, which manages it resources diligently. On the panel the representatives of the Municipality of Battmbang, UBB and GIZ were asked to discuss the result of the iReBa project and the vision iBB for Battambang.

All panelists agreed on this vision for Battambang. During the panel discussion it became clear, that a lot of work has already been done to improve the situation in Battambang. However there is still a lot more to be done: institutional capacity building, education, legal framework and in particular the fight against corruption are the most crucial issues, that have been named during the discussion by the panelists.

The discussion was very viable and could have certainly be continued for hours. Unfortunately time limited the discussion and there is much more to be explored, developed, said and discussed in future projects...

Please click on one of the pictures below to see the iReBa team:

Official signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between UBB and BUW

Friday, 14.03.2014, Battambang, Cambodia

In a solemn celebration the cooperation between the University of Battambang and the Bauhaus-Universität has been announced.

Ms Kimseang, speaker of UBB, officially opened the celebration ceremony, in which she welcomed the efforts by the students and facilitators of the iReBa project. After this short introduction the National anthem of Cambodia and the National anthem of Germany were played, which emphasized the significance of  the intended collaboration between the two universities, as well as the iReBa project.

After the national anthems Mr. Cheyvuth, dean of Faculty of Science and Technology, held a speech about the future cooperation between UBB and BUW. He expressed his deep appreciation of the start of this cooperation with the already conducted iReBa workshop. However, he hopes strongly to deepen this cooperation in the future with further exchange of students and members of the academic staff from Germany and Cambodia. He and his team look strongly forward to strengthen this cooperation.

Mr Jürgen Stäudel, representative of the team of the BUW expressed his deep personal feelings about the start of this cooperation. He stated, that this cooperation offers a huge potential for further common activities in the field of environmental engineering and urban planning at both univerities. The cooperation of staff of the BUW and other organizations from Weimar and Erfurt during the last years has laid an important groundwork on which it is possible to build a solid future cooperation. The common student project iReBa has been a remarkable success for the students of BUW and UBB, including all valuable results that have been found during the last two weeks. For Battambang this project just comes at the right time, as Battambang develops quickly and skilled engineers and urban planers are needed to support this rapid development.

After the two speeches of the representatives of UBB and BUW, the MoU was officially signed and exchanged:

Group picture of Mr. Ulf, Mr. Jürgen, Mr Cheyvuth, Mr Manit, representatives of UBB and BUW:

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Resources management - We are slowly getting there

After quite some struggle the group is slowly getting there. Can you actually see it?

Not only the waste management in the class room has improved! Can you see it?

They simplify, they structure, they clarify.... Yes, they are slowly getting there.

But there is also not much time left. The final presentation needs to be prepared. The results shall be officially be presented to representatives of the University of Battambang, the Municipality of Battambang and other organisations in Battambang.

Please click on one of the pictures below to enlarge:

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Still a lot to learn and think about

Thinking intensively about integrated resources management does not immediately lead to obvious results. The waste situation in the class room stands symbolic for the work of the iReBa team. It is clear, something definitely needs to be done to improve, but what is? Where to start? Where is a solution?

All are thinking hard and don't give up. Lets keep it symbolic: All the rubbish is mixed. We know there is a lot of value contained. But what shall we do? How can we make use of all this sh....? Who can We actually change for the better?

Well lets continue work on ideas and consider different concepts and  technologies for our project.

Please click on one of the pictures below to enlarge:

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Excursion 2 - Psah Boeung Chouk and Circus PPS

Smoking heads need relaxation. Everybody is happy to stroll over the market and try to apply what everybody has learned so far and gain further information and data. The owner of the market and his team were very supportive to share experience and data with the students.

In the evening a well deserved break at the circus Phare Ponleu Selpak.

Please click on one of the pictures below to enlarge:

iReBa - What actually is it about ?

Slowly but surely the heads of the students bing to smoke. The challenges of the topic "integrated resources management" for Battambang, but also the intercultural and interdisciplinary learning experience and collaboration slowly become apparent.

"integrated resources management?" "What actually is that?" - The opinions differ vastly from contry background to country background, gender, experience, education background, etc etc.) How do we get there and how do we get along with each other?

It is all about finde the common language in the group. What an effort?!

But there are no problems, only challenges that we face..... And in the end of the day there was understanding.

Click on one of the pictures to enlarge:

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Problem identification and analysis

This day an intensive group work started. In a "world cafe" round (world cafe is a method used in group works) the main problems with urban water management and waste management were collected and discussed.

Afterward the group of 20 students split up in four groups with major topics waste management, water management, participation and overall concept.

In a first step the students decided to focus on the situation at the local market Psah Boueng Chouk, as it potentially could be exemplary for the city of Battambang. However the whole situation is still very complex and difficult to deal with.

There definitely is the need to simplify.

Click on one of the pictures to enlarge:

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Lecture "Masterplan Urban Development and Land-Use Plan for Battambang"

After the first field trip the student group from Germany had the chance to meet the president of UBB, Mrs Sieng Emtotim. She thanked all the students for coming the long way to Cambodia and sharing their interest and experience with the students form UBB and expressed her best wishes for the iReBa project. "Thank you so much for hosting this project!"

In the afternoon the iReBa team got more valuable input by Mr Imeng from GIZ about the current status of the masterplan for urban development and land-use in Battambang.

Battambang is the first and only city in Cambodia, which actually has developed a masterplan for urban planning. The masterplan still needs approval by the national government in Phnom Penh, which is due already. It became apparent, that urban planning should include an overall concept for infrastructure development as well. Therefore the iReBa project just comes at the right time to support this important step of development.

The lecture of Mr. Imeng has been very motivating and valuable for the project as it laid out the framework for the future development and pointed out the major local issues in Battambang.

With all this input of the day, the iReBa team was able to identify the main challenges and topics to work on for the next two weeks. More detailed evaluation and data collection has still to fill to many gaps of the whole picture. There is more to come...

Please click on one of the pictures below to enlarge:

Excursion to dumpsite, SAB, WWTP and informal settlement

A first excursion to the dumpsite, the social waste management centre Battambang (SAB), the wastewater treatment plant and an informal settlement in Battambang helped to create a common understanding of the challenges. The German and Cambodian students have been equally impressed by what they have seen, as almost none of them has been aware of the complexity of environmental problems related to missing basic infrastructure systems or see these problems in reality respectively.

Please click on one of the pictures to enlarge and see the slideshow with impressions from the field trip.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Getting to know each other - Who is who? Now its getting serious. iReBa rocks!

This day the group of Cambodian and German students gets together for the first time. In fact the group of BUW is not "German". There are students from Turkey, India and Ecuador part of the team as well. And there are not only civil engineers and environmental engineers. The group of 20 students hosts students of nuclear engineering, agriculture and urban planning as well.

Now iReBa really gets serious and the group has to proof how to integrate all the different experiences, cultural backgrounds, social and language skills in one big international team. What a nice challenge with a big potential of mutual learning!

While the Cambodian students use the time to study intensively about the new concept of resources management based on material flows, the student group of BUW has time to explore Battambang and suck up the first impressions of Cambodia.

Click on one of the pictures to enlarge:

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Warm Welcome at UBB

Today the team of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (BUW) has been welcomed by the president of the University of Battambang (UBB), Mrs Sieng Emtotim.

In presence of all facilitators of BUW and UBB, as well as the dean and vice-dean of the faculty of science and technology of UBB, Mr. Cheyvuth and Mr Manit respectively, the Cambodian students had the chance to express their expectations about the upcoming two weeks of the common workshops. Although most of the students had a background of nuclear engineering (bachelor), they were happy to participate in this course, which is strongly related to environmental science and engineering.

"Adapted environmental engineering is an increasingly important issue for Cambodia". Mr Jürgen Stäudel, the initiator of the project iReBa from BUW expressed his gratitude to UBB to facilitate this course in Battambang and emphasized the mutual learning experience for the students and facilitators of both universities. "Contributing to the fast development in Cambodia with adapted concepts for infrastructure systems is an honor to the BUW and the Bauhaus-Institute for infrastructure Systems ("

The international student group of BUW has at that time been already on the way to Battambang and arrived late in the evening with the bus from Thailand.

Click on one of the pictures to enlarge:

Friday, 28 February 2014

Workshop on Integrated Resources Management at University of Battambang Starts

Battambang is the second largest city in Cambodia. The existing infrastructure for wastewater disposal of the city centre is partially existing since the colonial period. But since this period the area of the city increased several times, mostly uncontrolled without considering modern urban planning. Unsafe pit latrines pollute the groundwater and are flooded during the rainy season.

Less than 70% of the inhabitants are connected to the central drinking water supply or have access to toilets. With increasing distance to the city centre the access to adequate infrastructure decreases. Waste collection, recycling and disposal of solid waste are further challenges for the city.

While struggling with a lack of adequate infrastructure, at the same time the city has an important economic potential in Cambodia, as it is located on one of the main roads in the country and Southeast Asia. With the second largest university of the country, Battambang is a centre of science and education in Cambodia.

The project will enhance the cooperation between the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University of Battambang in order to build up a network between Cambodian and German researcher and students. This cooperation is also the basis for the common propose of research projects in South East Asia and a sustainable collaboration.

This project shall also encourage the German and Cambodian students to get in touch and exchange ideas. The students get the chance to strengthen their scientific education on an international level. The practical cooperation of the students from both countries will enhance their intercultural understanding and open the possibility for a deepened exchange of knowledge in the future.

The preparation for this workshop has already started in end of 2013 in Germany and Cambodia.

Click on one of the pictures to enlarge:

Thursday, 13 February 2014

13.02.2014 - Compendium of Methods

Compendium of Methods for Participatory Sanitation Planning online (German version only)

The compendium of Methods for Participatory Sanitation Planning can be downloaded now. It is a compilation of methods which have been used in the MoMo project. Experiences are shared and applicability of certain methods are evaluated.